January 4, 2011

my 2011 Indulgence List

Zhandra's 2011 To Do List:

1.) master the art of driving a motorcycle (~ it's my suppressed passion, i guess)

2.) go aero-dancing/ exercise (~~~ fire dancing too! perhaps?)

3.) engage to sports again: back to taekwondo and/or biking (~ freesbie looks interesting too! hehe)

4.) teach algebra or literature (.....can I? puhleezzz???)

5.) enroll a formal baking/ cooking class

6.) more travels (...hopefully)

7.) meet interesting and inspiring people

8.) more bottoms-up! (~~~ syempre! ;p)

Zhandra's New Year's Resolution:

Well.... we all know: LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

So, for 2011...

I won't be holding myself back anymore...

so, go.... and I-N-D-U-L-G-E. ;)

January 2, 2011

the Cavite experience

i never thought my stay at Cavite would be so much memorable.

i did not expect that those people there could be so warm.
though i only stayed there for days, i had a glimpse of their lifestyle...

it was inspiring to see:

~~ a tight family knit...a family full of asaran and kulitan. (so much fun!)

~~ an ongoing friendship since childhood... together with the mistahs.

~~ a grandmother who is sweet, has sense of humor and a groovy lola at 75 years old...who also likes to cook yummy food.

~~ playful and spoiled doggies who are adorable. (baky, tandy, empy...etc.)

ahmmmm...pwede magpa adopt narin 'dun? hehehe...

C - chizee chizeedoodle
A - amazingly adorable
V - vacation vavavoom
I - intensely inviting
T - top of the toppestworld
E - exhillirating experience   : )