June 13, 2011

Forever 27: on Life, Purpose, and Kurt Cobain

Last Friday night, some of the Bagani fellows hang-out to chill after Kick Boxing class..and it was brought to discussion that some of the most influential rock musicians/ writers/ celebrities died at the age of 27 has created mystery and intrigue. They are called the FOREVER 27 CLUB.

The Forever 27 Club list includes:
Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison (The Doors), Janis Joplin, Brian Jones (Rolling Stones), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), and many others.

The club now has over thirty members, all of which died for different reasons. The deaths range from suicide, accidental overdose, murder and just plain tragic accidents, and some just mysteriously disappeared.

The strange part is in the number who died at the age of 27 years. Most were at the peak or just on the downside of their fame when fate made sure their fans would never see them grow old.

And why is 27 suddenly an issue for me?
Who's 27? hahaha! geeeeee....

Time flies, and before you knew it, you are already 27, 37, 47, or 57!

Am I in the midst of quarter life crisis?

I wish I can just fly and get-away already.



June 4, 2011

Thank You Chiz!

thank you for surprising me on my birthday!!!! weeeee!!!

sarap ng feeling when i saw your face at home early in the morning unexpectedly... 
*sob*...thanks for making me happy! i love you so muchy! mmwah! ;-)