August 20, 2011

i am Ms. BAKER

they say that "time flies when you're having fun"
finally, i am now doing my long forgotten passion... BAKING.
i am enjoying it! =)

and when im a little expert about it, i'm gonna bake for my friends and my family w/ some cookies and cakes for their birthdays and other occasions.

and it would be just my simple way to say "thank you" and "i love you"

im loving it!!!

and oh,
i don't mind if you now call me as  " MS. BAKER" ,
'coz if you do,
i'll bake some goodies for you too!    ;)

August 8, 2011

No Reservations

1.) it was on advertisement that a newly pasta place has just opened a few blocks away,
i was about to call the resto for seat reservation,
but then, my beau is not in town
*** no reservations.

2.) it was just declared that Friday would be a Special Holiday,
which means it's perfect to hang-out on the beach for a long week-end.
i was about to inquire my favorite resort
but then again, my beau is not in town
*** no reservations.
3.) a movie that i have been waiting to watch is already showing on cinemas,
i have to call the ticketing office for the last full show schedule
but then over again, my beau's still not in town
*** no reservations.

4.) i just found out that an airline is offering a 50% off on all domestic and international flights... to be traveled next month,
but then again, my beau's vacation/ R&R date is still uncertain
*** no reservations.

i am still struggling...
but, for as long i undoubtedly feel so much for him:
>> i would still, imagine to dine at the newly opened restaurant in the city for two
>> i  would still look-forward for a long week-end on a beach with my beau,
even if i would just end-up talking with him on the phone
>> i would still weekly check on the latest showing movies on cinema,
even if i won't be able to buy tickets for two
>> i would still continue to get excited on the airline promos that for sure i won't be able to book for two yet

but then again, for now, there’s still