when i was told by my mom that i was chosen to be one of the
representatives for the RYLA summer camp sponsored by their
ROTARY Club, i thought it would be just "plain fine". since i love nature, and the "forest" setting, i thought okay...i'll give it a try for this summer.
i had no preparation at all.
but when i got there, oh my! i did not expect it would be an extraordinary great experience! =)
the delegates were actually young.......and i'm one of those "young at hearts". hehe...
we stayed at Eden Nature Park for 5 days & 4 nights.
and surprisingly, we really had so much fun!
the food: lutong bahay... yum!
the place: oh, to be one with nature...
the people: nice, fun, kalog, witty...
the experience: incomparable! =)
we've gone camping, indiana jones, obstacle course, tree planting (pine trees), hiking, played sports, lecture, seminars, presentation, cultural night, bon fire and many more! bongga mga activities, food, and the people!
i enjoyed getting to know with my fellow camp mates.
i was amazed to know that they're very disciplined, driven, fun,
smart, and surely they have a long way to go.
the main purpose of the RYLA summer camp is to train the delegates to become young leaders, and give awareness for the betterment of our society.
and i was amazed how the speakers and the "big bosses" of the Rotary Club shared their insights and knowledge.
i actually had the privileged to have a long conversation with some of them- sharing whatever things that we could think of......
and man, thinking how smart, successful, and not to mention how "big time" they are in their chosen field / businesses- they're actually very humble.
this is what i've been looking for these days. i got so much inspiration from those people.
it was definitely a FRESH AIR to breathe. and i was enlightened, have gained so much knowledge. and the memories would be treasured forever.
the last night of the camp was a memorable one.
we had bon fire and presentation.
after the program, there's disco and sharing each others stories.
when the last day came,we had our Rotary Young Leadership Awards certificates. and the "EUREKA part" wherein each one of us had prepared speeches.
we actually got senti.
for that short span of time, we had bonding and
made friends with one another.
we felt sad when it's time to part ways...
but time to leave and go back to our different places and home.
it's a wonderful experience.
i really had soooo much fun!
gained insights and knowledge.
i was inspired.
and most importantly,
EUREKA...!!! i found LIGHT! (^^,)*
it's been years since i wanted to change route,
to pick up the scattered pieces that's been wasted
from time to time and try to make it whole again.
but the waters of pain and frustrations seeped into
the almost dried soil of my being- which supposed to have no room for those negativity any longer.
all i want to do is fly high and free my soul.
but some things just keep on coming
and still won't stop hurting me more,
dragging me before i could begin.
i'm tired... hurt... wounded...
but as the saying goes:
"what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
oh well...keep it coming...
perhaps i'll be stronger.
but i'll never be the same again.