June 15, 2009

Masters in Picking-Up Broken Pieces

last year, i decided to go back to school to have a master's degree.
not only that i wanted to have a broader knowledge on other fields, but to refresh my mind as well.
though i'm a graduate of BS in Electronics and Communications Engineering, i've chosen to take up Masters in Business Administration (MBA)... so far out!
i'm like a "kindergarten" on this master's degree!
and like a child, I am amazed by my professors and my brilliant classmates! - who all have bright thoughts and opinions! *clap* *clap*
it seems like i'm just an "absorber" of the refreshing infos and knowledge that they share? (but, i'm enjoying it! =)

actually, the main reason why i enrolled is to keep my self busy...really, really busy.
'coz if not, i would end up getting INSANE!!!! sad but true.
last year was my "bottom down" year.
it was my greatest down fall.
---> i actually won last year’s “STUPID AWARD"!
it was a bad bad year.
tragic love.

but, things are getting better now... thankfully.
no need to be really busy to whatever.
i just want to focus on to something more personal. That's why I'm thinking not to pursue MBA anymore...perhaps not this time. i dunno... i'm still confused.

i'm also thinking of quitting my job. (?)
...and just bum around.

i've been awakened from my stupidity
i'm back with my old self.
"HE" is recovering (& gaining back health).
i need to slow things down a bit.
and rekindle those days.
never to do the same mistake again.

  • i miss the night walks after our  college class.
    i miss those coffee moments.
    5 years is 5 years is 5 years.
    .......ah those were the days.

perhaps, i'll be pursuing (MPBP)- MASTERS IN PICKING-UP BROKEN PIECES.

1 comment:

  1. well i think ur cool.... u got all the stuff.... just bare with the pain... ul get use to it... keep facing the pain and someday you will understand how impt pain is for you to understand life.
