December 20, 2011

chocs and letters

thank you Chiz,

for the chocs and letters that you’ve sent...
feeling *kilig* to wake up in the morning- seeing these stuffs! wahaha! ;p

***now, you’re writing! finally! yey! :)
these 5 LETTERS are for record breaking! hehe...
but, napa-iisip ako dun sa last one ha... hmmm...? 
thanks for the thoughtfulness! mwah!  ♥

why i appreciate letters that much?

although it maybe a bit OLD SCHOOL to write and give letters,
but, i treasure it, because i can read it over and over again every time i miss you.

if i can just laminate all the sweet text messages on my cellphone, i would do it! but my inbox is already full,
so, all of your letters are deeply appreciated.
oh well, you can't  blame me...i'm certified  -S-E-N-T-I- ..... :)

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