May 13, 2012

Letters To Juliet

well, this movie was shown a few years ago, and it was only now that i got the chance to watch it...thanks to the good friend who refer me this film ... perhaps she can see that i can somehow relate with the story. hahaha..

well, it depends upon who's character's story is closely IDENTICAL with my situation...
is the story of CLAIRE who's already engaged, yet her fiance's too consumed with his own "DREAMS" not that into her or her interests and passion?

or is it the story of "THE OLD WOMAN" who has finally had the courage to pursue and find again her SOUL MATE after 50 years!

who knows... which is which...
i guess, i have i little bit of both characters! hhmmmmm.....

but what i realized about this movie is that:

1.) couple really out-grow each other if the other one is SELF-CENTERED and unconciously neglecting the other, because he/she is just too consumed with his/ her own life's happenings (be or other kind of distractions and obsessions of useless things.
(the key word here is: BE MORE SENSITIVE)

2.) compatibility does NOT mean that you both should have the same INTERESTS...
but rather, it means that, you are WILLING TO COMPROMISE and give importance to the other person's PASSION (even if you are not that into it). just to show that his/her hobbies and interests matter to you! your significant other's achievement is also your happiness. right?

(the key word here is: learn to COMPROMISE and SUPPORT!)

3.) "WHAT" and "IF" are two different words that seem HARMLESS... but if you put these two words together, you have "WHAT IF???" and it's meaning has totally changed.
"WHAT IF?" it seems a bit Scary word...
to think through things asking yourself "WHAT IF?" would make you think of the possible outcome if you're not going to DECIDE TO TAKE A BIG LEAP. but as long as you follow what your GUT and your HEART tells you... then, go for it.

you will be haunted for the "WHAT IF..." on your mind.

yes, NO "BUTs...."  NO "IFs...."
just go for it for god sakes!  :)

April 27, 2012

The Adjustment Bureau

so i was on my way home from the office commuting a tricycle at the street corner.
the vehicle was almost full, yet the driver still keeps on stoping every time he sees a prospect passenger.

we were 3 blocks away from home, and the driver picked-up 2 more passengers.
the woman who was sitting infront of me voiced-out and said to the driver "puno na 'to!! diba tag lima-lima lang sakay nito?!" (as: This vehicle is full already! only 5 people fits in each side in here!)

the driver answered her,"pito-pito sakay nito. pina extend ko ang upuan para humaba! kung pwede pa nga 20-20 ang sakay, ikakarga ko... para lang maka bawi sa mahal ng gasolina!"

the driver's answer to the lady somehow strucked me.

since it is already given that the GASOLINE'S PRICE is beyond the driver's control, it's either he:

a.) can keep on whining about the unstoppable price hike every week!
b.) learn to adjust and do something about what he can control!

it's just amazing... with that very SIMPLE INSTANCE made me realized about my attitude towards life!
yes, i WAS one of the those "reklamador" people (whiners) that you would know.

of course, we can't ran-out of any reasons that we can WHINE about, right??!
and guess what, when it comes into relationships, I WHINE ABOUT THE LONG-DISTANCE thing! (coz it's a new thing for me!)

if the regular relationships  are already hard... then , multiply it into hundreds if you are in LDR... that's how HARD IT IS! :(

and yeah...i have already shed pails of tears for that matter!

but guess what? i got tired of whining:
i got tired of asking: why this..why that...why can't we...why we couldn't....

but instead, i have learned to accept that, that i can't do anything about it for the moment.
that's how things are for the mean time...and i have to live with it!

instead of complaining...
a.) i'm doing my best to keep the relationship alive....and do everything that i could for us to somehow have a "NORMAL" set-up.

b.) i have learned to GO ALL OVER THE DISTANCE especially during special occasions to spend and celebrate it with my man...

c.) misunderstandings and petty arguments are just normal, but nah.... and i don't throw TATRUMS anymore! well, not that much! hahaha...

'coz i have accepted or ON THE PROCESS OF ACCEPTING the fact that even if my man and i have been together for almost a couple of years already.. I STILL NEED TO KEEP ON ADJUSTING....

and because it takes a  STRONG WOMAN to handle things with grace, i give credit to myself for slowly growing as a MATURE person to ENDURE things that are difficult for a "common-people" to make it WORK.

well, just like the driver, i can also say that:
"if ang "normal" gilfriend, hanggang dito lang ang makayang "masakay" na pasensya....
pwes ako hindi! pina-extend ko pina-habaan ko pa ang pag-intindi ko sa mga bagay-bagay... "

"at kung sa iba is PUNO na sila supposed to be... sa akin naman is di ako napupuno...cge lang.... kaya pa... di ako napupuno!"
if the situation still ask me for MORE ADJUSTMENTS....there's  no problem with that....

keep on flowing, baby... 'coz no matter how HEAVY IT GETS, i must learn how to ADJUST and be flexible...

but until when?

well.. perhaps i jus keep on moving... moving...and moving...
until we arrive to our LONG-AWAITED DESTINATION.

March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Pa!

FATHER, thank you for being:

1.) the first one to wake-up to cook our breakfast & MOM's baon.

2.) the last person to sleep to ensure our house's security.

3.) being COOL... no vices...silent type but could crack the most hilarious jokes!

4.) for making me a SPOILED DAUGHTER
...not materially, but for giving me much TRUST & FREEDOM for me to grow.

February 14, 2012

V-Day 2012

what the world really needs is MORE LOVE

...and less PAPER WORK!!!  ;)

January 9, 2012

Under the Waters of Batangas

love the tranquility and peace of mind that the nature gives.
but, i guess i'm more of a "mountains and trees" kind of person than a "water/ sea" person.

when i got the under waters of Batangas Ocean, i was a bit scared to see the "strange vision" that i don't get to see everyday.

in fact, as embarrassing as it may be, i was shivering when i saw those huge sea urchins with large spikes that were resting on the colorful corals. 
glad to know that Chiz was holding my hands, and giving me assurance that it's safe to swim. *cheezyyyy* hahaha... ;)
and, seeing the colorful fishes that are swimming with us, convinced me that life underwater ain't that scary at all! hehehe...

i have realized that,
our Earth is composed of 3/4 water and only 1/4 land.
it means that there's more to life under the ocean
if you are just willing to discover and experience it!

maybe next time, i could have the chance to swim with the dolphins.
...and touch a seahorse, perhaps? :)

This is my first travel for the year 2012.

and i really had a blast! :)

Bonito Island, Batangas.

oh yeah.

It's more fun in the Philippines! :)

December 25, 2011

kilig-kilig lang.... parang hi-skul!

here i am now in the office...alone.. here in second floor..
everybody's having their vacation leave, while here i am...working...
'coz i  don't have anymore VL and SL left to consume for this year! hehe...

i could still remember, i have a blog  entry last year - December 2010 entitled "ODD NUMBERS...Happy  ODD-lidays."

check --> 

it's all about how the waiter "discriminates" me in a baby shower  party , 
'coz i was the only one who had  no partner at that time. (read: i was the ODD one!)

as i read that article once again, 
i realize how time really flies!

so, this article is for update on how things have changed in just a matter of  1 year!

couple # 1: "The Host and her Husband"
this couple were the ones who  hosted the baby shower party last year....
but just last week, their baby girl (my ina-anak) has  just celebrated her 1st birthday!
time really flies! the baby girl (who  was still inside her mom's womb) can now run...and can even sweep their floor! so adorable! :)   
**and oh, she's also a  "daddy's girl"

couple # 2: "The Discriminating Woman &  The Funny Guy"
this couple got  married 5 months  ago! 
and they are also expecting their  bundle of joy this first quarter of 2012.
although they have gone through serious trials, they are still blessed,  and still going strong as days go by.

couple # 3: "The Emotional Hang-up Woman and Her New S.O."
she and her S.O. (significant other) are no longer "new" with each other's arms anymore! 
in  fact, this couple are also getting married  this second quarter next year! 
though they  have traveled a lot here and  outside the country, the couple have  finally decided to tie a knot....and be together... forever.
and oh, expect more travels from them  with a baby on their arms! ...the soonest!  :)

couple # 4: "The Present and  Future"
this couple are still as happy as they could be! 
they are not just lovers , but  they  also treat each other as "barkadas", for  their main foundation is FRIENDSHIP-that  is why they have so much fun together.
the house & lot that they have jointly  invested a  couple of years ago, will be fully paid  soon…. 
and they are still thinking and  focusing for some more investments
...thinking about the bright future, eh? :)

**** and ME????

oh well.... i'm happy on how my friends’  lives have changed in just a matter of 1 year.
they are so blessed...
although their priorities have now shifted 360 degrees,
i am very much happy that they have finally  settled down with the love of their life...
have their own family and are / will be raising a new life (adorable babies) as God's blessing.

surely, i will be expecting to attend more  weddings, baptismal, children's party next year...

ODD number (as single) or
EVEN number (with a partner)

*** who cares???.... that waiter can EAT MY SPACE DUST! (hehe...)

'coz i've got nothing to worry...

i'm just here in the corner....

na para paring HI-SKUL....

che!  ;p

December 20, 2011

chocs and letters

thank you Chiz,

for the chocs and letters that you’ve sent...
feeling *kilig* to wake up in the morning- seeing these stuffs! wahaha! ;p

***now, you’re writing! finally! yey! :)
these 5 LETTERS are for record breaking! hehe...
but, napa-iisip ako dun sa last one ha... hmmm...? 
thanks for the thoughtfulness! mwah!  ♥

why i appreciate letters that much?

although it maybe a bit OLD SCHOOL to write and give letters,
but, i treasure it, because i can read it over and over again every time i miss you.

if i can just laminate all the sweet text messages on my cellphone, i would do it! but my inbox is already full,
so, all of your letters are deeply appreciated.
oh well, you can't  blame me...i'm certified  -S-E-N-T-I- ..... :)

November 10, 2011


it's not easy being led by someone especially when you are blind-folded.


you don't know where you are going.
you have no idea where your destination would be.
your sense of sight/ seeing is totally shut-off,
your other senses (such as: smell , hear, and touch) will be amplified...
and you easily assume of things that are far from truth/ reality/ of what really it is.

even in relationships,
you are both blind-folded.
you both don't know what tomorrow may bring.

it just scares the hell out of you when you just think of what worst things/ scenario that could happen.

and since you don't monitor or see each other 27/7, your imagination sharpens, especially when you cannot help but to entertain CRAZY THOUGHTS on you mind...
(even if it has no basis at all)
'The only thing to fear is fear itself'
if nothing isn't there seen to fear.
So what is it that you're fearing, tell me?
If there isn't anything to fear, you're near?

Take the blindfolded from your eyes!
now see the darkness, for what it is!
For light will shine and all fear subside
and your sighted life, will become fear cleared!

for the first few months or years of relationship, you feel like you both are in cloud 9, invincible , and inseparable...
and you know that as time goes by, these would somehow be shed off.

but, no.
life is good.
as good as it gets.

you will still be both in cloud 9,
and your love will be much stronger...

although you are blind-folded,

all you have to do is TRUST.

TRUST for each other.

...for it's the  Higher Being Who's guiding both of you.

October 21, 2011

Going The Distance

it's just funny how love can make a person do some crazy stuffs....

yah know...
when you're going extra mile to make things easier for the both of you...

like booking a flight every other week
just to be with your significant other?

why crazy?

because it's not "meet-me-half-way" mode...
it's really  "going-all-the-way!!!"

      ain't no mountain high,
      ain't no valley low,
      ubusan na ng yaman 'to...
      makita ka lang aking Nick Dulfo


i'm going the distance...

FLIGHT STATUS: Confirmed!    ;p

October 17, 2011

Where Have All The Letters Gone?

When was the last time you gave someone a letter?
I bet it was a long time ago.
Maybe we say that letters are not the "in" thing anymore, and it sounds old-fashioned and outdated.
We say that in the dawn of technology, there are so many alternatives in communications. 
So, why sweat writing a letter to someone when you can choose from various high-tech ways to get in touch with others. There are many options out there such as electronic mail through Internet and text messaging using our cellular phones, which are undeniably faster and more convenient.

Back in the days when writing letters was a popular way of communication, post-offices received tons of letters everyday... and though it seemed to take a thousand years before the letters finally arrived to their destinations, the feeling of receiving one is incomparable!
Especially when it comes from your loved ones, family, or from a long lost friend.
Can you still remember when having a "pen-pal" became a hit?
 SNAIL-MAIL that is!
Yes, that was eon years ago.. but, a lot of relationships were made and kept alive through exchanging letters.

And now at the present time, our modern world has a lot to offer, and ways in communication are more accessible.
You can interact with different kinds of people from all over the world without having to wait for a long time.
Just a click away, and your message is sent and received.

I guess most of you guys out there could not deny the fact that whenever our cell phones beep, we get excited to find out who's sending us a text message.
We read "1 Message Received" and it paints a smile on our lips (especially when it comes from "that" special someone) even if it's just a forwarded quote that has been sent to you a bunch of times already.
So, you still reply to him/ her. Wait for the "Sending Messaging.." but then it appeared "Check Operator Services"... (argh!!!).
Well, this applies when you are on pre-paid! (haha... ;p)

Letters on the other hand are more special.
A plain note or card of "thank you", "take care", "I Love You", "I'm Sorry", etc... brings joy into our hearts.
Even if it's just a simple message on ordinary paper, it becomes extraordinary especially when it is personalized.
Because we can see the effort exerted by the person who made it, we appreciate it even more, and read it over and over again.

But as for now, I ran out of load, my account balance is zero and my cellphone is low bat.
Yet, the sentimental side of me is knocking.
So, I’ll just sit here inside my room, bring out one of my greatest possessions- the letters and some memorabilia that I all keep in a special box.
Time for me to reminisce once again and read all the old letters that I treasure from wonderful people that have been part of my life. It never fails to uplift my spirit.
Let all the memories become alive once again...
It's been quite sometime now since I received a letter.

So, I ask myself  " Where have all the letters gone?".