August 2, 2007

weird, crazy, scary?

I recently got a text message form my network  provider.
Well, they usually send me these kind of quotes  which i didn't even subscribe in to.
but this one somehow got "dramatic" intro to me.
it says:

"Maybe you're just SCARED,
                  because for once in your life,
                  someone actually wants to be with you...
                  and have fallen for you"

... oh come’ on... is that something which someone  should be scared of???!!
... unless you're like Dr. Gregory House who's  uncomfortable with personal connections
... or does my network provider have
this sixth sense  that they can tell i'm now turning to be like one???! (seriously??!)  ahahaha! ^_^

On the more significant side, the latest national news says that our government is SCARED or worried about us not  getting enough rain during this supposed to be RAINY SEASON.
yah know...this could be a sign of DROUGHT...and leads  to electricity crisis in our country. and then, this might give the president the EMERGENCY POWER thing (and stuffs like that). which then, leads to SCARE Filipino masses about  this power thingy... and
blah, blah... etc., etc.

So you see, it's just a normal response that one  get SCARED when the "usual" or the EXPECTED thing in a supposed time to happen, DID NOT happen... because there must be something  WRONG... that is still UNKNOWN.

Insomiacbut you know what's much scarier???

it's when ZHANDRA actually wakes up pretty much earlier than the usual on regular days. when i say "earlier", it's the time wherein the  MOON and the STARS are still hanging up in the sky… and the SUN is having a good night slumber (still on its R.E.M stage)
... maybe, she CANNOT sleep at all ???

Why scary? because times like this make her mind  wanders a lot. and tends to OVER ANALYZE some  things.

Insomiac... or maybe, it's NOT that scary at all.
perhaps she just realize that her

"REALITY is much BETTER than her DREAMS"

... hmmmmmm.....interesting... yet BLURRY.

she then wonders which is less scary:


... either way around,
it could bring RELIEF and GRATITUDE

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