July 26, 2008

what dreams may come

it's SUNDAY, and i should be sleeping the whole day  from the saturday night's hang-over.
but, here i am in my office booth staring at the  computer screen with four telephones in front of me!

gone are those weekends when i can sleep all day... drink  all night?    ;p
mondays to fridays = work
saturday                = classes/ school
sunday                  = still at work?!
haha! not only that, im planning to insert  "sports" on my  list.... perhaps biking?
it's been a hard days night... i should be sleeping like a log
it's been a hard day's night... and i've been working  like a dog.
gad, i don’t have rest day anymore!   and why am i fully booked? i don't know..
it's just funny that i am working,
yet in fact, i rarely spend my salary on my "wants"....  (so thrifty?)

perhaps i just NEED to be busy.. really busy... to divert my attentions. yah know.
oh well... maybe it's good for me... maybe it's my unconscious way of coping-up?

for now, i dream of a real good massage before i pass-out.



  1. maayo pa ang katabang naay day off.

  2. maayo pa nag katabang nalang ko para naa koy day-off!!! hehehe

    maayo pa si patrick, cge lang ug pa-massage o!
