May 27, 2009

"untog" moments

i am happier these past few months.
na-untog narin ako... finally!!!!   hahahaha!!!

well, i knew from the start that it would be a
"down fall"... bad decision.
i was in a terrible nightmare!!!

surrounded by nonsense and all. i sat with the "beast".

blood & tears have been shed.

a lot of people have been hurt.
what a big pile of sh*t it has made.'s been more than a year now.    TRAGIC LOVE (of 5 years). i'm starting to pick-up the pieces.

God is really good...for HE stand-by with "him " ---> (who has suffered a lot) is recovering and getting better now.

i'm still thankful. things are brighter now... everybody's living and moving on.

i know it won't be that easy... but i can do it.
i've been missing "-M-E-".

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