January 4, 2011

my 2011 Indulgence List

Zhandra's 2011 To Do List:

1.) master the art of driving a motorcycle (~ it's my suppressed passion, i guess)

2.) go aero-dancing/ exercise (~~~ fire dancing too! perhaps?)

3.) engage to sports again: back to taekwondo and/or biking (~ freesbie looks interesting too! hehe)

4.) teach algebra or literature (.....can I? puhleezzz???)

5.) enroll a formal baking/ cooking class

6.) more travels (...hopefully)

7.) meet interesting and inspiring people

8.) more bottoms-up! (~~~ syempre! ;p)

Zhandra's New Year's Resolution:

Well.... we all know: LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

So, for 2011...

I won't be holding myself back anymore...

so, go.... and I-N-D-U-L-G-E. ;)


  1. hello there!
    i don't know how i got to your blog,i guess it was just one of those "i'm bored, so i'm going to surf the net"-nights.
    i love your blog and from the pictures i've seen...well,let's say: YOU ARE STUNNING.
    i know you're thinking:"this is probably a perv,trying to hit on asian girls".well i am not!!i just want to get to know this beautiful and intelligent girl.i believe that you get certain chances to meet someone WORTH meeting. :)

    i left you my e-mail!
    hope to hear from you!

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