July 21, 2011

Sweet Escape

i love places that make you realize
how tiny you and your problems are...

i guess everyone of us deserves a break.
and once in awhile, we need to take a "pause" from the daily routine..'coz it's the only way that keeps us BALANCE & SANE.
when we are so consumed by our personal problems and selfishness...be in a place that makes you realize that  
   > a place where your thoughts and  visions become clear
   > a place where you get in touch with your forgotten dreams
   > a place where you feel the endless possibilities
      and sometimes,
      if you are lucky...    (...just like me!)
      you get to be in that PLACE with SOMEONE YOU LOVE.

      and that is when you can truly say that
      you are on your : SWEET ESCAPE.

      thanks for another unforgettable R&R  vacation with you.   ^_^

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