October 1, 2006

DEAD END signs...

" i like DEAD END signs...
  i think they're kind...
  they at least have the decency
  to let you know that you're going nowhere..."

-Bugs Bunny
this quote was sent to me from a friend.
i think it was quoted from bugs bunny
"watz up doc??" cartoon character)

well, i thought about it for a while and said to my self na
"oo nga 'no.. sana may
Dead End signs nalang din wherever road you go even in your life's journey... at least even in afar, you can see that you're going nowhere..
at least may time ka pa to change route... and you won't be wasting your time to go ahead even if  DEAD End na pala patutunguhan mo..."

oo nga naman... "DEAD END signs have the DECENCY to let you know that you're going nowhere..." but what if you've gone that far already...???!!
you know that the road you've chosen is dead end for you.

(in the first place, you know that you shouldn’t be there!!!)
you know that you're lost...yet you still keep on going... and goin'...
'til you realized that you've wasted so much of your time and energy...
and everything is so wasted!!

nakakainis 'yung ganun'!!! (it's soooooo sickening!!!)

you can't shift gear...turn around and change your route...  too late for you!
the only thing you can do is finish what you've started and hope that
after you've arrived in that DEAD END sign.... somewhere beside that sign, there's a little
alternative road towards your destination... a destination that you've been long anticipating for...

who knows... there really is!
a short cut road

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